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In the SynergyFuels project, nine plants for the synthesis of e-fuels and biofuels are being integrated into a refinery concept in terms of both materials and energy. The use of biogenic residues is combined with Power-to-X processes. In this way, synergies are created: The combination increases both material and energy efficiency in the production of the fuels. The project aims to scale up processes for the production of renewable fuels to pre-production scale in the short term.

With minimized energy and raw material requirements, a wide range of fuels will be produced from biogenic residues that are designed for transport applications that are difficult to electrify. The properties of these fuels are described using corresponding fuel parameters and their operational suitability and emission behavior are tested.

Schematic representation of the material flows (diamonds) and conversion steps (rectangles) of the SynergyFuels concept, in which the use of biogenic raw materials is combined with Power-to-X technologies

The project goals are also in line with the general climate protection goals of the German government by developing processes for low-CO2, CO2-neutral and even CO2-negative fuels. The project is therefore being funded as part of the overall funding concept of the BMDV (Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport) under the “Development of renewable fuels” funding guideline.